Fire Hydrant Monitoring

The Challenge

Fire hydrants are crucial components of urban safety infrastructure, supplying vital water for firefighting; however, challenges arise from improper maintenance practices within municipalities and third-party entities overseeing hydrant networks. Identifying "dry hydrants," which lack a reliable water source due to neglect or external factors, is essential for maintaining an uninterrupted water supply during emergencies. In colder climates, the risk of frozen hydrants poses a significant obstacle. The absence of real-time information on hydrant status further complicates emergency response systems, as periodic manual inspections may lead to delayed detection of issues such as leaks or unauthorized use. The current reactive maintenance model, reliant on intermittent manual inspections, can result in delayed responses and increased downtime of hydrants. Continuous monitoring and a lack of comprehensive data on the entire hydrant network hinder the implementation of data-driven decision-making processes for optimized maintenance and system improvement.

Our Solution

DataStream's Fire Hydrant Monitoring CellPoint device provides a real-time monitoring and alert solution. The CellPoint consolidates pressure sensor readings logging at hourly intervals, while ensuring continuous monitoring capabilities with our DataSense IoT portal. Beyond its role in data collection, the CellPoint takes an additional step by logging readings and monitoring pressure values at 5-minute intervals. In scenarios where the pressure drops below predefined thresholds for a sustained period, the device initiates sampling at 1-minute intervals, displaying a high level of sensitivity to pressure fluctuations.

Notably, the CellPoint introduces a critical feature where instances of pressure remaining below the lower threshold for multiple fire hydrants trigger immediate alerts within minutes of event detection. This functionality is particularly crucial in signaling scenarios where fire hydrants become non-operational, necessitating swift and proactive response measures to address the potential impact on emergency firefighting capabilities.

The integrated CellPoint device represents a significant advancement in fire hydrant monitoring, providing utility companies with a comprehensive and sophisticated tool to enhance the reliability and effectiveness of their infrastructure.

Key Benefits

The Fire Hydrant Monitoring CellPoint device provides the following benefits:

  • Firefighting Efficiency: Ensure that firefighters have access to the necessary water pressure for effective firefighting.
  • Preventive Maintenance: Identify and address issues early to prevent system failures and ensure ongoing reliability
  • Optimized Water Distribution: Improve overall water distribution system integrity by detecting and resolving leaks and blockages promptly
  • Scalability: In the initial stage, a strategic deployment of a small number of CellPoints at critical nodes within the fire hydrant network offers a targeted solution. As the system matures, scalability is enhanced by attaching devices to every several fire hydrants. The increased density enables fire departments or utility companies to gather more nuanced data, facilitating a refined analysis of pressure variations and hydrant conditions. In the final stage of scalability, the system can be further expanded to attach a device to every fire hydrant. This advanced level of deployment takes asset management and preventive maintenance to the next level by providing real-time insights into the status of each individual hydrant.

Fire hydrant pressure monitoring provides a proactive approach to ensure the reliability and efficiency of firefighting infrastructure. By continuously monitoring pressure, detecting issues early, and enabling rapid response, this solution enhances public safety and the effectiveness of firefighting efforts. The scalability of the system makes it adaptable to various urban settings, contributing to the resilience of water distribution systems.