Sewer Level Monitoring

The Challenge

Wastewater utilities play a critical role in managing a city-wide network that transports wastewater and rainwater to treatment facilities through sewer manholes distributed across the urban landscape. Sewer level changes in this network serve as indicators of potential backflow into consumer properties and the risk of combined sewer overflow, which poses environmental, public health, and infrastructure challenges. Overflow incidents are typically triggered by heavy rainfall, aging infrastructure, or blockages like debris or tree roots obstructing wastewater pipes. To mitigate these issues and avoid regulatory penalties, there's a growing emphasis on deploying monitoring solutions for early warning. A key method involves using float switches that trigger alerts when sewer levels rise, with modern IoT solutions providing remote notifications. However, installing telemetry equipment in sewer manholes presents challenges due to harsh environmental conditions, chemical exposure, and the need for self-sufficient power and communication capabilities for effective wastewater network management and overflow prevention.

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Our Solution

DataStream's Sewer Level Monitoring CellPoint™ device is designed for monitoring the level of fluids and providing an alert when the fluid level rises to a predefined level, or when the level reaches a low threshold (depending on the application).The device is designed to meet the extreme conditions that are typical to wastewater manholes. The Sewer Level Monitoring CellPoint™ is based on the Event Monitoring CellPoint™ model, which allows for monitoring of a single float switch, or optionally, a dual-float model (two dry-contact inputs). The two input model can also be deployed with one float switch and one outage alert input. This innovative device offers a simplified and cost-effective means to monitor sewer level in various scenarios including sewer manholes, grinder pump pits, and other wastewater set-ups.

Key Benefits

The Sewer Level Monitoring CellPoint™ device provides the following benefits:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: The absence of the need for infrastructure, coupled with ease of installation, significantly lowers costs compared to alternative solutions.
  • Efficiency in Harsh Environments: The IP68 rated self-contained design and robust construction make CellPoint™ ideal for deployment in the harsh conditions that are typical to sewer installations.
  • Rapid Deployment: No need for special expertise. Installation by field tech in less than one hour.
  • Real-Time Alerts: Immediate notification of critical events enables quick response, minimizing environmental damage.
  • Versatile: Flexible software supports implementation in various applications that require power outage monitoring.
  • Scalability for Comprehensive Insights: The solution allows for the gradual expansion of the network monitoring solution.

DataStream's Sewer Level Monitoring CellPoint™ device not only offers an efficient solution for level monitoring, but also provides a scalable, comprehensive, and forward-thinking approach to wastewater network management.